Polyhedra have an enormous aesthetic appeal and the subject is fun and easy to learn on one's own. One can appreciate the beauty of this image without knowing exactly what its name means --- the compound of the snub disicosidodecahedron and its dual hexagonal hexecontahedron --- but the more you know about polyhedra, the more beauty you will see.
This site is a free self-contained easy-to-explore tutorial, reference work, and object library for people interested in polyhedra. You may choose to simply view the virtual objects for their timeless, serene aesthetics, or to read the related mathematical background material at various levels of depth. Of course, as an academic type, I feel obliged to include a few exercises. And as it says in the textbooks, you'll learn a lot more if you work on the exercises yourself before looking at the solutions.
I believe the best way to learn about polyhedra is to make your own paper models or other models. The second best is to play with a set someone else has made. You can do that here because you can look at, move, and spin these models which I have made for you. And in one respect, virtual models have an advantage: you can travel inside them to gain a perspective not possible in paper models. After exploring my virtual models, I hope you choose to make some of your own paper models.
This work is complementary to my Pavilion of Polyhedreality, which you may wish to visit to find additional information on polyhedra and links to other related material. You may also like my polyhedra-based geometric sculpture.
You should be able to click on the picture at right and see a 3D version
of this compound of five
cubes in the main viewing window. First study the object, spin it around,
and see it as five interpenetrating cubes, one in each color. Then, imagine
what you would see if you were sitting at the center of this object. This
is the same as asking what the intersection of the five cubes looks like.
(Hint: how many sides must it have ?) After you imagine the view
from the center, use the viewer to travel to the inside
of the compound of five cubes. What do you see ? Answer.
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