Exercise: Look through the entire
set of Johnson solids and determine which of them have more than one
of symmetry.
Answer: By my count, there are 35 with the axes of symmetry
of a prism, listed here: (and none with any other polyhedral symmetry)
triangular dipyramid (J12)
pentagonal dipyramid (J13)
elongated triangular
dipyramid (J14)
elongated square dipyramid
elongated pentagonal
dipyramid (J16)
gyroelongated square
dipyramid (J17)
gyrobifastigium (J26)
triangular orthobicupola
square orthobicupola (J28)
square gyrobicupola (J29)
pentagonal orthobicupola
pentagonal gyrobicupola
pentagonal orthobirotunda
elongated triangular
orthobicupola (J35)
elongated triangular
gyrobicupola (J36)
elongated square
gyrobicupola (J37)
elongated pentagonal
orthobicupola (J38)
elongated pentagonal
gyrobicupola (J39)
pentagonal orthobirotunda (J42)
elongated pentagonal
gyrobirotunda (J43)
triangular bicupola (J44)
gyroelongated square
bicupola (J45)
pentagonal bicupola (J46)
pentagonal birotunda (J48)
triaugmented triangular
prism (J51)
hexagonal prism (J55)
triaugmented hexagonal
prism (J57)
parabiaugmented dodecahedron
biaugmented truncated
cube (J67)
truncated dodecahedron (J69)
rhombicosidodecahedron (J73)
rhombicosidodecahedron (J80)
snub disphenoid (J84)
snub square antiprism (J85)
disphenocingulum (J90)
bilunabirotunda (J91)
Further: The last one on this list (J91) has the symmetry of
a 2-gonal prism: three orthogonal 2-fold axes and three planes of symmetry
each containing two axes. The one before it (J90) has the symmetry of a
2-gonal antiprism: three 2-fold axes and three planes of symmetry of which
two pass halfway between axes. Find another with 2-gonal anti-prism symmetry.
Answer: this one.