This sculpture is 12 inches in
diameter, made of walnut. The parts lock together without glue.
It is a puzzle/sculpture which can be disassembled and (if you are
clever) reassembled.

Here is a template of the basic component shape. Thirty copies form the
The parts interlock at the backs of the heads in groups of three, with
three right angles
meeting like a corner of a cube. The above view is centered on
one of those 3-fold points.
Below is a photo taken from the same point of view.
Instructions to make your own copy of
Heads appear in
Make Magazine, vol. 17, Feb. 2009, pp.
I presented this to Joe Malkevitch at his
celebration. There is a short
about it in his festschrift.
I later made this 3.5 inch diameter copy for myself in nylon by
selective laser sintering.
This is the same small model, but dyed brown to seem more like the
original wood.